Teen Patti

Developing a Teen Patti Multiplayer game offers a lucrative opportunity to tap into a massive player base and a timeless card game’s evergreen appeal. With social interaction, and cross-platform accessibility, it promises innovative features, monetization opportunities, and a chance to create an enthralling gaming experience loved by players worldwide.
Technology: Unity 3D
Genre: Card Game with custom theme
Type: Free to Play with In App Purchases
Operating Systems
Mobile/Tablet – iOS and Android
PC – Windows and MacOS

Real money games are the next big thing in the gaming industry due to their immense popularity and revenue potential. Players are increasingly seeking immersive experiences with the chance to win real cash, combining entertainment and rewards. Developing a real money Teen Patti game offers numerous advantages. It capitalizes on the widespread appeal of Teen Patti, enticing existing enthusiasts, and attracting new players eager for thrilling gameplay and monetary gains. With effective monetization strategies like in-app purchases and rake commission, one can generate substantial revenue. Furthermore, real money games foster stronger user engagement and retention, as the stakes create a more exciting and competitive environment, driving players to come back for more, solidifying the game’s position in the market.

Lets discuss your requirement
Have a game idea? Bring it to us and we will bring it to life at a reasonable cost leaving you enough room to utilise spends for marketing & user acquisition.

    frequently asked questions

    Before discussing details about your idea, we sign a non disclosure agreement that abides Macrobian Games and its employees to maintain strict confidentiality of your information. 

    We can help you develop games for all platforms – Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or others. We can even help you port games quickly from one platform to another.

    Our team has expertise with Unity 3D Game development. Unity 3D is extremely flexible when it comes to 2D or 3D Game Development and is also one of the most widely used architectures.

    We understand how urgent some refreshing new ideas can be and we try our level best to kick off a project within 7 days of completion of the formalities.